27 April 2011

learning .......

well I found out how to add pictures and have managed to sort out the layout for now at least so thats a start xgoing to go and make some more cards now not done much today x

26 April 2011

well found some more blogs about card making with challenges so decided to have a go at a couple of them not sure im up to the standard of the other entries tho



25 April 2011


not sure if this is going to be right but will have a go lol
well when I tested link it worked so hope all is ok the first 7 are for saras easter comp I got carried away lol and the rest are for others x

22 April 2011


well this is the first time ive done this so you will have to bear with me as I have no idea what im doing lol


Well the escorting was good just one boy to pick up and take and he was no bother at all even fell asleep on way home this afternoon I might...