21 January 2014


well Im addicted to these cards lol cant stop making them heres some more

bottom 2 are actually same card but not sure about roses (they not stuck down yet) gonna maybe do some pale yellow or white see how they look

20 January 2014

I am addicted to making starburst/sunburst cards at the moment and when not making them im knitting lol as you can see I have finished Hannahs ballerina to go with Alfies fireman in a previous post. I am starting to sew my santa tonite and as I found lots of free knitting patterns online im going to be able to use up some of the wool I found in cupboard upstairs lol as you can see below I have a few balls to go at .

19 January 2014

finished Alfies fireman tonight ballerina is next x His mum has seen pic and says he will love it so all is good x also tried a new card technique yesterday with help from the ladies @card making tips group on FB
what do you think lol

16 January 2014


Well  im back online as been paid lol so topped up dongle today
It seems knitting has taken over for now lol. I have almost finished 3 mascot dolls apart from sewing up and stuffing them anyway. 2 are for my friends twins and the other was just because I had plenty of red and white so decided to do Santa lol when all are finished I will post pics
I did make some birthday cards for some friends and do have 1 more to make for the end of the month and made some quick cards at my craft club last week. We were provided with a topper and a card and had to finish with papers embellishments etc any papers we needed if not in our stash box we could pick from the shop and the club would pay for at end of session so that was funhere are the pics

wish I knew how to rotate the pictures and put them next to each other so they take up less room they dont do justice to the glitter but I have tried to show it also I used sparkly chalk brushed lightly over top and glossy accents on the gorjuss girls eyes and ribbons hope you like them 

Well the escorting was good just one boy to pick up and take and he was no bother at all even fell asleep on way home this afternoon I might...